First execution - User registration
UppCad uses an internet licensing system, so you need an active internet connection to use it with all functions enabled.When you run the application for the first time, you'll see following registration form :

Don't worry about all the fields, most are not mandatory.
Mandatory data are Name and E-Mail; over the latter you'll receive the user activation code, so please insert a valid e-mail.
Remaining fields are used for statistic purposes and/or if you need to be contacted for user assistence.
Once you've filled you data it's enough to push the Register button. The system will send you an e-mail with actrivation code and you'll see following form :

Now fill in the Activation code from your e-mail (you can copy and paste it) and press Activate application button.
The activation code allows one month of full application usage; after that you'll have to purchase a license or run in demo mode.
By now the e-commerce part is not ready (mostly because of changes in our government billing rules), so if you want to extend your license please ask by contact e-mail and we'll be pleased do extend it for some time for free.
Running without registration
The application can work in demo mode without registration with all drawing functions, but with all save/export/stl output commands disabled.You can run in that mode for as long as you like without need to register.